This website is designed and developed by Zach Hamed in New York City.
The main website is powered by WordPress and wp-cli with the Kanso theme and hosted on Nearly Free Speech, with some help from Cloudflare.
The design is heavily inspired by the Hobonichi Techo, Monocle Magazine, Semafor, and Plotter. It was initially prototyped using Type is set in Merriweather and Lucida Grande. Icons are via SF Symbols.
Health stats — including sleep, steps, calories, and heart rate — are measured from an Apple Watch Ultra and synced from HealthKit every four hours using Health Auto Export. Productivity stats are measured using RescueTime and synced via Gyroscope. Bookmarks are synced from Raindrop, and Now Playing is powered by My bookshelf is powered by Literal, and TV/movie watching is powered by Trakt. Analytics provided by Umami and GoatCounter.